Friday, November 10, 2006

haikus (river mystery)

This poem may make no sense. Hmm. It isnt about a river, really. Its about how people should stop and think, and forgive, although most of the time, its amazing how we'd rather find out more about the death of someone else, than to do more to prolong our lives. Most of us are just too depressed I guess. -MEL.

How beautiful the arcane
seems that we all love
the massive, most Lucullan

Sometimes I think to myself
how strange it all seems
when reality contradicts

Disembody, disembogue
The intriguing -
those lugubrious ups and downs.

Like the waves of emotions
As paronymous as this -
Beauty and beauteous

I know I make no sense, but
what is left of me
is what is yet to be seen

I do not hallucinate
..just indulging in..
that homochromatic din

I just can't fathom this whirlwind
there's just so much more
Why do we keep stalking wind?

Believing in the unjust
We love drowning, deep, deeper.
Do we even stop?

It has come a time for us
To listen.. Embrace.
This watery grave must be

It must be buried.

10:48 PM

`____mellisais productions-   Â©2005-2006

this is a place where we compose poems and whatever we want. if you don't like it, DON'T READ IT.

the composers
melissa - elisabeth
mel/lissa - lisais
18 - 18
chij st.j - sphs

mel.isforreal - peachypeachypeach

n/a - whheex

gmail: - n/a


previous compositions
- Mister. Greenwood
- Cruising Holidays
- ' jenesaisquoi '
- idiot box .
- little miss hiphop
- random short short stuff
- Once Again
- More Rhymes
- What A Journey

the oddities

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skin layout - rach